About Delhi: Where the Soul of India Resides

Written by www.chennaipc.com on 10:14 PM

Delhi means different things to different people. It is a vibrant metro throbbing with the joys and pangs of life, and the business of every day living. It has a life and a lifestyle, which are both exclusive and inclusive in parts. It is the political capital of India where the past and the present amalgamates wonderfully to create a fascinating tapestry. The history of Delhi is reflected in its present in the form of wonderful monuments and forts and places of worship, whereas the thriving business and economy of Delhi that is propelled by its service sector, portends towards a bright future.
The geography of Delhi can be easily ascertained and described, but very people know that Delhi is also a state of mind, whose realm lies beyond the ambit of geography.

The tourism of Delhi, with its galore of tourist attractions spanning from antiquity to the modern age, can give you an apparent feel of this state of mind, but to have more insight of this, you have to get acquainted with Delhi's essential culture, that have withstood the ravages of time with grace and equanimity.

The cosmopolitan culture of Delhi has evolved over millennia and is also a product of it being a mini India in its present state. This rich culture is reflected in the handicrafts of Delhi and also in its cuisines and costumes. The costumes of Delhi reflect a global outlook, with respective niches for respective cultural and ethnic identities. And those who have tasted the varied cuisines of Delhi, specially its Mughlai delicacies, know very well that Delhi tastes great. Delhi is the political hub of India, and thus politics of Delhi determines the politics of India in a big way. And the measure of this political climate of Delhi is done through the powerful media of Delhi.

However, Delhi is not only about history, politics and architectural grandeurs. If you are a sports lover, Delhi and its nearby surroundings can present you with lots of adventure sports options. However, all said and done, the chief among the sports of Delhi is cricket, which has long ceased to be a sport in India, and escalated (or deteriorated) to a fever

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